Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Importance of Art in School

Tania asked: "In our country will it ever be the case that more schools rally harder to keep their art programs or will they always be the first to go?"

For the purpose of answering this question, I will assume you mean schools below the college level, and I will address my answer to elementary and middle schools in particular, and high schools to a lesser extent.

Much as I hate to say this, I think that, for the foreseeable future, the answer will be the latter. Particularly in today's economy, with budgets being slashed across the board, I sincerely doubt that many, if any, schools will fight to keep art programs at the expense of "core education" -- math, science, social studies, English. I do not like to admit this, but it's an unfortunate fact that many schools see art, and even to some extent recess, as merely frivolous, and unnecessary to the development of the child or the person.

To end with a question: Is participation in the arts from an early age beneficial to the development of a child?


Jacob Wheeler said...

I will comment on your well as Tania's original question.

tinyminerva said...

I commented on your question.