Friday, December 5, 2008

Imagination is NOT Creativity

Today, someone suggested that Imagination is equal to Creativity. This is not the case.

Imagination is, by its very nature, free and unstructured. Imagination damns the constraints of the real world and simply wanders, it thinks without boundary, creates without creating. This is not to be confused with Creativity.

Creativity is the act of bringing structure to Imagination. Creativity tames Imagination and manifests the ideas generated by Imagination into an object in the real world. Creativity restricts Imagination to the limitations of reality (such as gravity) and produces an object within that world.

To call Imagination the equivalent of Creativity is to overlook the fundamental difference in the two: Imagination is unbounded. Creativity expands reality by taming Imagination to fit the constraints of the real world.

Simply put, Creativity is Imagination, but Imagination is NOT Creativity.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I understand your point. The way I see it, though, is that we can use the words interchangeably. They have distinct connotations, as I pointed out in my blog, and the different situations in which we tend to use them make that clear. The way we have used the word "imagination" most commonly suggests that it is unstructured, but in my opinion that does not limit imagination itself to being unstructured.